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Mazda CX-5 KE5 Ball Joints
CX-5 KEE 2012-2015 (Petro)

At the heart of your vehicle's steering and suspension lies the indispensable ball joint – a pivotal connection point that facilitates seamless interaction between the control arm and the steering knuckle (or arms). Much like the intricate mechanics of your shoulder joint, the spherical end, aptly termed the "ball," enjoys a full spectrum of mobility within its socket. This unrestricted movement, spanning 360 degrees, is instrumental in enabling your car to execute smooth and precise turns with ease.

Vital Functionality Amidst Road Rigors:

Navigating through diverse road conditions, from smooth highways to rugged terrains, subjects ball joints to considerable stress and wear, particularly exacerbated by encounters with dreaded potholes. Regular inspections are highly recommended to ensure optimal performance. Furthermore, being attuned to telltale signs of ball joint malfunction is imperative for proactive maintenance:

• Uneven Tire Wear: Keep a keen eye on your tire treads – irregular patterns of wear may signal underlying issues with your ball joints, impacting alignment and tire longevity.

• Audible Clues: Pay attention to any abnormal sounds emanating from the area around your ball joints. Vibrations or clunking noises may signify compromised functionality, warranting prompt attention.

• Steering Abnormalities: Should you notice your car veering to one side or experiencing difficulties maintaining a straight trajectory, it could indicate potential issues with your ball joints affecting steering precision.

Empower Your Drive with Vigilance:

Maintaining the integrity of your vehicle's ball joints is paramount to ensuring optimal steering and suspension performance. By remaining vigilant and proactive in identifying warning signs, you not only safeguard your vehicle's handling but also enhance safety for yourself and fellow passengers. Trust in the reliability and functionality of your ball joints – the silent heroes of your vehicle's maneuverability.

Mazda Verisa Tie rods
Verisa DC5 2004-2015

Tie rod ends are simple parts that connect the 
steering rack to the steering knuckle on each front wheel. 
An adjusting sleeve sits between the inner and outer tire rod ends.
When you turn the steering wheel, it transmits that movement through various 
steering components until the tie rod ends push or pull the wheel and make the wheels turn 
The outer tie rod end connects with an adjusting sleeve, 
which allows the length of the tie rod to be adjusted to set the 
vehicle’s critical alignment angle, making it an essential part in your steering system

Honda Fit GD3 Ignition Coils
FIT GD1-4 2001-2006

The ignition coil, helps to start a car’s engine. It’s an essential part of the ignition system. 
our Ignition Coils are designed to fit seamlessly into your vehicle's ignition system, making installation a breeze. They are your ultimate performance partner. Experience the thrill of superior acceleration, smoother idling, and increased throttle response – all backed by the confidence of knowing you're equipped with the best in the industry. 

Honda Fit Shuttle Brake Shoe
FIT SHUTTLE GG7-8 2011-2018

Honda Fit Shuttle GG7 Brake Shoe